Saturday, December 29, 2012

शेर की दहाड़ हो अपनी संवेदना

"तारीख पे तारीख, तारीख पे तारीख,
जज साहब यहाँ मिलता है तारीख और फिर तारीख
लेकिन मिलता नहीं इंसाफ "

दामिनी अपने सगे संबंधियों के विरुद्ध अपनी नौकरानी के सामूहिक बलात्कार के इंसाफ के लिए अपनी जान  की बाजी  लगाकर लड़ाई लडती हैं। न जाने इस तरह कितनी  मासूम महिलाएं नित प्रतिदिन इंसान रूपी  भेड़ीयो के दरिंदगी का शिकार होती हैं। यदा कद किसी को ऐसी दामिनी मिल जाती हैं और  न्याय भी। लेकिन इस बार दामिनी खुद इस दरिंदगी का शिकार बन गई। भारतवर्ष की राजधानी में ऐसी दरिंदगी,  बहसीपन से पूरा देश शर्मसार हुआ। यही शर्म और शायद एक अनजाना डर ने लोगो को, युवाओं को समाज के सभी वर्ग को झकझोर कर रख दिया। काफी विरोध हुआ। आन्दोलन हुए। सरकार भी जनसैलाव के सामने झुकी और कड़े कदम उठाने के वादे किये। 

जीवन संघर्ष से जूझ रही दामिनी आखिर इस लोक को छोड़ चली गयी। पूरा देश उसके जाने के गम में शोकग्रस्त हो गया। रिहंदवासियों ने भी मोमबत्ती जलाकर अपनी संवेदना व्यक्त किया। मैंने भी इसमें शामिल होकर इस सामूहिक चेतना का भागी बना। लेकिन मेरे भीतर में विचार उमड़ने लगे। क्या संवेदना व्यक्त करना महज एक  कार्यक्रम हैं? और क्या यह हमें सोचने पर मजबूर करेगा परिवर्तन के लिए? परिवर्तन कैसा ? आन्दोलन कर कानून में परिवर्तन लाकर। क्या संविधान में नए कानून लाने  मात्र से यह समस्या दूर हो जाएगी? सविंधान देश की आत्मा होती हैं। लेकिन एक व्यक्ति का, एक परिवार का, एक समाज का, एक  संस्था का भी तो संविधान होता हैं। क्या इन सभी स्तरों  के संविधान में परिवर्तन लाने की आवश्यकता नहीं हैं? यदि यह संवेदना इस दिशा में सोचने के लिए मजबूर करें, तो यह संवेदना, एक प्रतीतात्मक प्रदर्शन एक व्यापक परिवर्तन लाने में कारगर साबित होगा। 

देश में परिवर्तन तो हुआ हैं। पहली बार हम सबने एक स्त्री को सम्मान दिया जिसकी अस्मिता को नष्ट कर दिया गया। नहीं तो इस देश में ऐसी स्त्रियों को घृणा की दृष्टि  से देखा जाता रहा है, समाज से निकाल दिया जाता था। ऐसी दुखियारी या तो फांसी लगा लेती और फिर जीवन नैया को ढ़ोने के लिए वैश्यावृति के दलदल में फंस जाती रही हैं। दामिनी की व्यथा ने  देश की सोच में बदलाव लाने  का बड़ा काम किया हैं। 

अपने व्यक्तिगत जीवन किस तरह से परिवर्तन लाना चाहिए, इस पर भी सोचने की आवश्यकता हैं। व्यक्तिगत तौर पर हमें अपनी सोच को विस्तार देना पड़ेगा। अपने परिवार के अलावा समाज का भी विचार भी करना चाहिए। समाज के सभी वर वर्गों के साथ मिलकर उसके आर्थिक सामाजिक, जीवन मूल्यों इत्यादि के विकास में योगदान करना चाहिए। रिहंद वासियों को बांडरी के बाहर जाकर लोगों के साथ समरसता होना चाहिए। रिहंद परिसर के भीतर व बाहर के बच्चों के साथ मिलकर उसे मार्ग से भटकने से रोकने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। जितने भी सामाजिक कार्य हो रहे हैं सभी में मन से, तन से, धन से एवं समय से अपनी अपनी क्षमता के अनुरूप योगदान देना चाहिए। 

एनटीपीसी परिवार, एक संस्था के तौर पर भी हमें अपने आसपास के विकास के लिए उचित कदम उठाने चाहिए। आस पास के बच्चों के अच्छी शिक्षा के लिए एक अच्छे विद्यालय का निर्माण होना चाहिए। दूर दराज के  छात्रो के लिए छात्रावास की व्यवस्था होनी चाहिए। सफाईकर्मी  के लिए उचित आवास व उनके सभी लड़कियों के लिए अच्छे विद्यालय में निशुल्क शिक्षा की व्यवस्था होनी चाहिए। परिसर के पड़ोस में वैश्यावृत्ति जैसी घटनाएँ भी प्रकाश मे आयी हैं। उनके भी भोजन  पानी की व्यवस्था कर समाज के साथ जोड़ने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। एक महाविद्यालय का निर्माण के लिए कदम उठाने चाहिए ताकि हजारो छात्र अपनी आगे की शिक्षा पूरी कर सकें। मजदूरों को सम्मान व अच्छा जीवन जीने के तौर तरीके सिखाने के लिए वर्कशॉप करने चाहिए। स्वरोजगार, जनचेतना इत्यादि की दिशा में काम कर हम बिजली उत्पादन के साथ साथ एक  समाज का निर्माण कर सकते हैं। तभी अपनी संवेदना स्पंदनहीन न होकर, एक युग परिवर्तनकारी साबित होगा। 

संवेदना, संवेदना और केवल संवेदना। 
संवेदना मेमनों के आंसू  बनकर न रहे।

शेर की दहाड़ हो अपनी संवेदना। 
युग परिवर्तनकारी कारी हो अपनी नव चेतना।  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Downfall of Morality of state.. Rise of Morality among commons

When Nitish Government came, face of Bihar changed. While going from Patna to Darbhanga (my home town), I overwhelmed to see the highly pitched, wide highways. Change was visible. Voices from all spheres of life could be clearly heard about good governance, reduced corruption. Children in schools started aspiring for becoming leader like Nitish Kumar. 
After knowing the ground reality, the governance which affects mostly common people, the bottom five percent of our population, I forced to think that the days of darkness is not over and it will take one more generation to bring change at grass root level. 
The story of Leena Kumari while working as supervisor in Anganwadi (under ICDS program) reveals the open robbery of the poorest of the poor children by common officers. She was as a children quite brilliant and studious, having tendency of following all the good traits, but unfortunately she has to discontinue education in class eighth due to lack of quality education in nearby area. After marriage she got chance to study and successfully completed her MA while fulfilling all family obligation, caring three children single-handed. Proving her merit she also cleared PT of BPSC Exams. Later she got chance to work as supervisor under ICDS program. 
She has to reach her office (Singhwada Block, Darbhanga) fifteen Km away from home and then visits forty centers under her provision. During visits and after seeing widely prevailing poverty, she always dreamed to do something for them. But there is huge gap between in program and practice. There was anomalies everywhere. Clerk were not talking well even with supervisors. There was no one to ask for refreshments during meetings. There are centers running on paper only. All were presenting the same list of expenditure every month. All anganwadi sevikas has to give Rs. 1000 monthly for maintaining these disorders. After seeing all these her heart wept. But something more is yet to come.
She was instructed by the clerk to collect thousands rupees from every centers. It was shocking for her and she scolded him and taught to speak politely with all the supervisors. Later she was also suggested by her officer (CDPO) to follow the corrupt practice. Forty centers and hence collection of forty thousands was in pending. Sewikas was questioned and instructed to run the centers properly. It was unusual for them also. But after listening words of development and their role some of them got motivated and started running the programs. Realizing the importance of education, poor people started sending their children at the centers great ease to the sevikas. After getting successes she implored all to do the same and also used authority at some points. She started getting calls from officers including DM, but all got ashamed to listen her motivational talk and bent to cooperate. Centers were started running well. Children got uniforms and sevikas has not to pay thousands rupees and happily work for them. At one center, still not corrected she herself went their to facilitate distribution of Rashan. Meek, weak old people started coming for getting the right amount and implored her to stay till all items get distributed. 
The next day she was transferred and allocated all difficult centers in different directions. It is difficult for her to go all the places. Quite tense she called me what to do. She was losing the faith on honesty. For supporting her I told such things are usual on this path. Just take one center for showing your grits. On my call other centers were taken back by CDPO. At new place she again proved and the toughest center started running smoothly.
 Sevikas of old centers still call her and inform happily about uniforms and other good stuffs. Going further they all were seeking the way to bring her back in their area even though they have to give money to officers. Now it became common talk among people that she is the only honest, knowledgeable supervisor and hence officers are trying to harass her. Change is inevitable and people at grass level will bring the change. All the corrupt officers will have to pay the price. She was still waiting salaries of nine months and planning how she would spend his salaries. Buying a gadda, a small fridge and sofas for making a drawing room is in her mind. 
(When she was telling about the scene about snatching of rice from Anchal of the poor Dom ladies, I suddenly remembered the scene of Anand Math where English Sepoy were snatching food from starving families.)               

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bharat Bhagya Vidhata

Yesterday I have gap shap with some children of class seventh. They study in St. Joseph School, only English medium school of Rihand Nagar. In the evening near auditorium I found them with tiffin boxes in their hand. As I already knew some of them, I approached them to have some gap sap.
"What are you doing here?"
"SSG classes."
"For what?"
"It is a foundation classes."
The term seemed unusual for me, a little inquiry revealed that foundation classes is basically a classroom coaching for preparing students for ensuring success in IIT entrance exam. I amused, when they should pass through foundation of values, ethos, culture and love for country to widen their knowledge for making a complete, matured human being; they are given training for to know what is IIT and how to crack it. I knew these courses will only misguide them and will make them weak in study. 
"So, you all want to go in IIT."
"Ya, it is true."
"But is it necessary for doing foundation classes at this very early age. I don't think so."
All were started looking at me. When I told them, I have studied in IIT. Some of them amazingly asked,"Are you from IIT?" Those who knew this mocked at others for their ignorance. Really children say what come in their mind. After some gap shap, they started saying they don't like coming SSG. Unknowing they got enrolled here, and so now they are bound to attend.
"Will you debate?"
"Yes I will do." Some were confused over this sentence. I will help you in getting good guidance for becoming good debaters. When I told them it is time for you to stay good in mathematics and other subjects, but simultaneously develop other traits of life, they all appreciated this idea. Creativity makes life beautiful. They all seemed enthusiastic. 
When I asked them what you want to become in life. Traditionally they replied. 
"I will go in IIT and then become IAS officers." said one and the other and almost most of them. Really Indian have not come out from feudal mind set, although they are well educated. All want to rule and none of them aspire to make life beautiful.
"I will go in IIT and then will join ISRO." told one of them. He wanted to become scientist. "You should go in IIT, study hard there, join some reputed university of the world, work in some reputed research lab and then come back here in India, then you will be able to serve the country better. 
After some gap shap, I just proposed to visit nearby villages, meet people and learn the society, if you want to become renowned IAS officer. "Mammi will not allow us to go outside the campus." So, you all are frightened from villagers. "Yes" all told in a single voice.
If you have fear from villagers, if you can't meet people, how will you develop compassion for them which will refine your life to become good IAS officers, scientists. Anyway there is nothing to fear from villagers. It is quite probable some of them are not good, but still they will love you. When you will take my name or mention the name of my team mates, they will love you and they will also protect you. 
After completion of primary school, I found out one good high school was located six kilometer away from my home. Till then, none of my villagers had gone there for education. I put the idea to my friends. Although that school would have been only three Km away from their villages, they all have notional fear that students of that school were very dirty, infested with criminal minds and bully those who were from far off places and hence refused to take that step. On those days I used to be the weakest among my friends. Yet I have nothing to fear in my mind. I just took my bicycle and went there. My father also reached, he got me enrolled. The six months which I spent there was very memorable in my mind. "Shyam Sundar" was adored by all. My friends used to take me at their homes and in that way I saw about ten villages of my area, some of them infested with Ranveer Sena and the other with Naxalism. Although I was physically weak, my legs were trembling when asked to speak publicly, but I was too vocal to spread the Idea of India among my friends. Some Muslim children were coming there. Sometimes they are mocked by Brahmin students. After getting in my touch they were befriended. It is my observation that if you have fear, you will never get real knowledge, you will not get real friends and you certainly can not serve your country well. Rihand Nagar is really good place for learning, for making ethos, but this could not be achieved by restricting students going outside, meeting people. Parents should assist them, guide them to understand society and facilitate them to interact them, organize some programs for village kids. This is good opportunity for children in Rihand Nagar. Fortunately Prayas Team and Sewa Kunj Ashram could play a great role in this endeavor.

"Make your son strong. Make him complete." "He will certainly bring honour for your family."
George Pancham was not the Bharat Bhagya Vidhata. A strong, sensible child is Bharat Bhagya Vidhata.  
Jai ho!
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata!


बाउंड्री के उस पार

" मैं", बाउंड्री के उस पार रहता हूँ.
अचंभित! समझ के पड़े था यह पता.
मैला-कुचला कपड़ा, बेबस निगाहें.
हाथ में झाड़ू, और यह रुखा सा जबाव
समझ के बिलकुल पड़े.
"हा साहबजी, हम लोग बाउंड्री के उस पार रहते हैं. "
फिर अचम्भा! यह कौनसी बाउंड्री?
"साहबजी हमलोग बाउंड्री के बाहर ही रहते आये हैं."
"आपको पता नहीं."
"साहबजी यह किसी को पता नहीं"
"पता क्यूँ करें, क्यूँ पड़ेसानी मोल ले."
"साहबजी, पर  एक बात हैं, आज के बाउंड्री और तब के बाउंड्री में थोड़ा अंतर हैं."
"पहले दिलों में बाउंड्री थी, गॉव कस्बों के हासियें पर रहा करता था. पर  था गॉव का ही."
और अब?
"दिलों में भी बाउंड्री हैं. और जमीन पर मोटी दीवारों की. और मैं कहीं का  नहीं."
अचम्भा, जितना जबाव दो, उतना ही समझ से पड़े.
भाई जान, मैं ठहरा सीधा सादा, दुनिया से बेखबर.
घुमाओ मत, जरा सीधी बात बताओ.
"सुन सकोगे बाउंड्री की कहानी, तो सुनो.
"बाउंड्री भारत को बाँटती हैं.
जाती के आधार पर नहीं, धर्म के आधार पर नहीं, और न ही राजनीती पे. 
बाउंड्री बांटती है, काम के आधार पर.
बाउंड्री के उस पार दिमाग लगाते, कलम चलाते.
बाउंड्री के इस पार, झाड़ू लगाते, शरीर खपाते.
उस पार  ! पक्के, सजे  कतारों में बने घर.
 इस पार ! टूटे-फूटे टीनों की चारदीवार, इधर उधर बिखरे हुए.
उस पार ! बाग़ बगीचा, कृत्रिम झरने और मनभावन पार्क
इस पार ! जंगल झाड़ झुड़मुट, और कीचड़ की परात
उस पार ! झील हैं, तालाब हैं, जहाँ खुसबू बिखरी फूलों की
इस पार ! गदीला तालाब, जहाँ बदबू फैली मैलों की.
उस पर ! कॉन्वेंट स्कूल हैं, अच्छे शिक्षक हैं, बच्चे पढ़ते कलरव करते हैं.
इस पार ! स्कूल का पता नहीं, जो भी था उजड़ गया, बच्चो का भविष्य थम गया.
उस पार ! शौपिंग सेंटर, सब दिन मेले लगते हैं.
इस पार ! दीवारों से टंगी एक छोटी सी दुकान.
उस पार ! क्लब हैं, सितारा होटल हैं, शैम्पेन  की बोतलें टनटनाती  हैं.
इस पार ! देसी दारू की भट्टी हैं, पी के धुत्त मस्ताने हैं
उस पार ! मंदीर मस्जिद और गिरिजाघर हैं.
इस पार ! बेचारों के भगवान् का अता पता नहीं."
मन बिचलित होने लगा.
करूणा, दया उमड़ने लगी.
बस खुद को लाचार बेबस पाया
अब बस करो भाई, अब और सुन न पाउँगा.
महात्मा गाँधी के सपनों के भारत को बँटते देख न पाउँगा
अब मैं चलता हूँ, ईश्वर से आपके भले की कामना करता हूँ.
"रुक जाओं भाई, मेरी विनती सुनते जाओ.
नयी कविता रची हैं, इसे पूरा सुनते जाओ."
मैं तेजी से भागा, पर वह माना नहीं.
कवी की वेदना! चिल्ला चिल्ला कर सुना रहा था
"उस पार ! बिजली हैं, चकमक हैं, बिजली दिल्ली को जाती हैं.
इस पार ! घोर अँधेरा हैं, कोलाहल हैं, डिबिया की टिमटिमाती लौ  के लिए कटोरी भर तेल कहा से लौऊँ .

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

मेरे सपने

स्वतंत्रता दिवस के इस शुभ अवसर पर आप सभी को बधाई. 
देश की आज़ादी के लिए हँसते हँसते अपने प्राणों को न्योछावर करने वाले महान नायकों को हम नमन करते हैं. उनका बलिदान हमें अपने देश को सुन्दर बनाने के लिए प्रेरणा देता रहे, ऐसा हम कामना करते हैं. भगत सिंह, सुखराम, सुभाष, लक्ष्मीबाई, आंबेडकर का बलिदान व्यर्थ न जाएँ. 
देश पे मर मिटने वालों ने देश को खुशहाल देखने का सपना देखा करते थे. आज का परिस्थिति देख ऐसा लगता हैं उनका वो सपना अधुरा हैं. क्या इस सुअवसर पर हम सपना देखने का साहस कर सकते हैं? आइये हम सब ये सपना देखे, एक सुनहरे भारत का. 
भारत की शिक्षा व्यवस्था सुधरे. प्राथमिक विद्यालय से विश्वविद्यालय तक की गुणवत्ता बढे और सबमें भारतियों का जीवन स्तर कैसे सुधरे ऐसी शिक्षा की व्यवस्था हो. 
गॉव के, शहर के, देश के प्रबुद्ध लोग ईमानदार व देश के, आम लोगो के चिंता करने वाले हो. 
सत्ता का विकेंद्रीकरण हो, मगर इसका मतलब यह न रहे की सत्ता ग्राम प्रधान के हाथों में चला जाये. विकेंद्रीकरण का अर्थ आम जनता को जागरूक कर उसे अपने अधिकारों व कर्तव्यों के प्रति जवाबदेह बनाना भी हो. धनी लोग गरीब का बाना (बी० पी० एल०) पहन कर गरीबों का निबाला न छीनें. व्यक्ति अपनी जाति को पहचाने. जो चमड़े का काम करें वही चमार हो, जो पढाने का काम करे वह शिक्षक. जो लोहे का काम करें वह लोहार हो, जो लोगो का इलाज करे वह डॉक्टर. फिर चमार, लोहार, धोबी को दिए गए सुविधा जैसे आरक्षण का लाभ शिक्षक, डॉक्टर, मंत्री, संत्री, राष्ट्रपति न उठायें.
देश के अविकसित इलाकों में भी विकास हो. वह रेलवे लाइन हो. सड़क मार्ग हो. अच्छे विद्यालय खुले. अच्छा विश्वविद्यालय खुले, 
देश में पिछड़े ईलाको के उद्योग धंधे से मिले लाभ का एक बड़ा भाग उसी क्षेत्र के विकास में लगे. वहां के विकास में वहां के लोगो से भी मंत्रणा की जाये. जंगलों पर ग्राम सभा का अधिकार हो. 
मजदूरों का जीवन स्तर सुधरे. अवैध खनन कर मजदूरों के जीवन को खतरा में न डाले. मजदूरों को उचित मजदूरी मिले. मजदूरों को शिक्षा दी जाये. कम्पनी उनके सोच को बढाने के यत्न करें ताकि वे मेहनत से कमाए धन को दारू शराब पर न खर्च कर बल्कि अपने परिवार, बच्चो के भलाई के लिए खर्च करें. मजदूरी के साथ साथ मजदूरों के बच्चो की भी पढाई की अच्छी सुविधा दी जाये, चिकित्सा की सुविधा दी जाये. मजदूरो के मानसिक स्तर बढाया जाये ताकि वे समाज के किसी तबके के साथ स्वाभिमान के साथ बात कर सके, अपनी समस्या को रख सकें. कार्यक्षेत्र पर मजदूरों को उचित सुविधा दी जाये. 
उचित ड्रेस में मजदुर खदानों में, पॉवर प्लांटों में काम करें. हमारे सुरक्षा कर्मचारी जागरूक हो और मजदूरो को सुरक्षा से सम्बंधित सभी उपकरण उपलब्ध करवाए, तभी वे मजदूरों को काम करने की इजाजत दे.
खुशहाल मजदुर, शिक्षित भारत, जागरूक नागरिक, ईमानदार अधिकारीगण, खेतों में लहलहाते फसल ऐसा हो अपना भारत. आओ हम नमन करें ऐसे भारत को और ऐसे भारत के निर्माण में जुट जाएँ. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Agony of PAPs

Let me first expand the world popularly known in Industries for R&R work and later as a part of CSR work.  PAPs is project affected people. As the initial step of land acquisition process for establishing a plant, the land of villagers are taken and their homes are also crushed down. In recognition these people are given compensation according to the policy and some part the way it is negotiated with the villagers. So those whose land has been taken or homes are crushed are listed or recognized as project affected people by the company for extending special attention in future. 
The days of neglect is over when there was none to listen the pain of displaced people and also they were not given compensation. Now the reputation of companies are on stake how they are treated to their PAPs and people living in the village in the vicinity of the company. So as a part of R&R policy, PAPs were given land to make home, some of them also got regular job in the company, company hires their vehicles on priority basis, contractors have to compulsorily  give job to PAPs and many development schemes are taken by companies for overall development of PAPs in the field of education. PAPs get medical facilities in the company on discounted rate while their co-villagers have to pay full fees (company do not recognize the indirect damage done to the villagers and hence they are in not priority list for R&R work).
In spite of all these facilities given to the villagers, how meager work have been done, but it has raised their living standard, but still they are unsatisfied. 
Why? PAPs have agony. Why? This question be addressed well. When  requested for joining the department, many authorities suggested not to go their as PAPs would pressure for meeting their demand. Seldom they care what is their pain, how could they be addressed? 
The agony is emotional. Our Indian society was agrarian society. Land was considered sacred. It was not thought to sell land offered by parents. If we think as economic man, land offered by parents are the initial capital and selling those land shows their incapacity to produce more and earn a lot. Later this economic tendency would have turned into emotional relationship. Again humans remind their past by the story written on the wall, on the roof of their home and parting with them means parting with the their history, their ancestors. 
In stead of their home, now engineers were given quarters to live. Engineers are human being having much advanced facility. The exposure to high standard living gave dream to PAPs. Children of  engineers are going in good convent school, but PAPs living outside the boundary are unable to send their children in those schools due to hefty amount. (It is most probable that their children might not excel in academy even they get education from these school with the guidance from home, but PAPs thinks their children would progress as they are not able to pay hefty fees). The situation becomes even worse when the fees is hiked for them, but the fees of children remained the same. This is the other major reason which gives agony to PAPs.
The PAPs talk with all with a sense of ownership. 

If honestly speaking companies has to do much more to be a responsible organization not only for PAPs, but also the other villagers living in the close vicinity (say 5 or 10 km). Ultimately the profit will go in treasury, so why not spend a large part of them say (10% in stead of .5%) directly on behalf of companies for the overall development of local children and community. 


Can you raise the price of labour?

Even in reputed PSU, unskilled labourers who constitute the major part of labour force in the industry are given mere Rs. 174 conforming the minimum wage act for eight hours continuous work in severe condition. It is the price decided by policy makers for the mere existence of labourers? All engineers and workmen are given the gift of profit every year, but the labourers always get the minimum possible wage decided by the government. Can it not be Rs. 200 or more?

In stead the dragon of contract system eats some parts of their wages. Except a few gifted labourers, all have to be satisfied with mere Rs. 110 or Rs. 120. Some amount is eaten by the contract. There are cases where the men of contractors collect Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 from labourers for keeping them on job.

Unfortunately they are disorganized and they couldn't afford to unite. Secondly there is not much use of giving cash money to them unless given education how to manage family well and develop aspiration for the betterment of their children. Without that they would waste their money on extra wine.

How to check this problem?
1. Develop some way to check all the above mentioned wrongdoings.
2. There is need of research over contract system.
3. To improve the government school or opening specialized school for the children of labourers should be in priority.
4. Awareness program should be organized for the labourers.

Finally companies have to change their motto of making profit, and believe as the agent of change. Specially in the case of PSU, performance of one station should be measured in both terms, in terms of profit and utilization of that profit (at least 10%) on the development of local community with special focus on labourers. If labourers from outside are coming, they should not be allowed to live on company's land or otherwise they should be given a small home to stay happily.

Thinking the problems of labourers is incorrigible in the interest of the company must be changed and one should think that there is always a innovative way to be found out where company as well as labourers would avail.
Without that we keep reading news, "Rural poor earns Rs.17 a day".

Monday, July 9, 2012

State is simply committing fraud on the rural poor

UP 10th board result declared. Hardly some students were declared failure. We have been working for improving the teaching standard of school. There we found very difficulty to teach students nomenclature of triangle and angle to the tenth class students. My friend Rahul (got 13th rank in IES) got exhausted and finally left the class. But thanks to the government policy for shining paper work declared almost all of them pass with flying color. This simply fraud on education. Getting first division without having any merit will leave them no place. With false dignity they will accept job in farm or labour job in industries and they will easily get tended to crime. 

Today I visited many schools in the vicinity of NTPC Rihand. It is shocking and mockery of education that there is no there is one or two teachers for teaching five to eight classes. 

As I visited many location I found people are living in the lap of nature happily. What kind of education they should be given should be topic of debate. For making bridge their pattern of living and modern way of life enabling them to utilize modern technology in their circumstances should be given more stress rather pushing all of them for elementary education with similar curricula.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teach as an innovator and not as a teacher

Evening class for underprivileged children have been going in EDC for nine months. Although many children are coming regularly they are not following the rules. Volunteers teaching with dedication pay little attention to those small things but game changer. 

Reading habits which they lack must be founded among them if we desire better result.  Today they are not reading five pages a day, how would they learn things. Repeated inquiry about the number of pages they studied will bring good result. 

Beyond Ideology

Personally I always admired India and loved Bharat as if it is my religion, my faith. I always read about the legends of India and took inspiration from them to work for the betterment of weaker section of society. 

With passage of time I got acquaintance with groups working for the establishment of some ideas. Although they all are demonstrating for the betterment of people, they all are very bitter among each other. 

We must have some principles in our life and we should abide by those principles always. Principle gives strength to work for truth. 

As we are working in social field and we are coming in contact with many people, we should stick with our own principle while working with existing group with their own principles and ideals. 

Empowerment of poor, giving quality education, annihilation of caste the extent possible, developing sense of dignity are some ideas which propels to work in society. Developing mutual trust between poor and rich, lower caste and upper caste, Islam and Hinduism are our peripheral goals. 

Society is multidimensional and so human mind is. Different people have different bent towards some issues. Those who have bent for the poor, must stay united over this topic, how deadly they in oppose for a particular issue. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jean&Reetika@Rihand Nagar

29 May 2012 was a great day for Prayas team who started writing its script three years back (15 August,2009 precisely) in Shivaji Nagar, a colony of labourers nearby Employee development center of NTPC Shakti Nagar. Later it was well established with various wings and developmental dimension at NTPC Rihand Nagar (NTPC Mauda is other key center).  Prof. Jean Dreze and Prof. Reetika Khera on invitation of Prayas team visited Rihand Nagar to see the development activities conducted by youth like us. It was a proud day for Prayas and we felt  privileged getting clicked in picture with them.
Sirsoti, the neighbouring village of NTPC Rihand, is the center of activities of Prayas since July 2011. As a part of visits of these eminent professors, a meeting of villagers were organized. More than seventy five villagers were turned up although they were  very shorty informed. During meeting they shared their problems, expectations from NTPC and the benefits they got because of this organization. Jean Dreze took special interest in knowing the conditions of MGNREGA workers and also went with them to their homes to know their family conditions. Many of labourers are not aware about MGNREGA scheme and they thought jobs have been created by Gram Pradhan. After inquiry it was revealed that payment is delayed by months and in some cases by a year.

Jean and Reetika also took special interest in visiting Gandhi Dham, the colony where sweepers, who work in power plant and in the township, have been living since NTPC was established at Rihand Nagar. Within half a hour many of them gathered at one point and as usual started venting out their problems. Both professors, getting emotional and feeling pinch in their heart by knowing their problems, listened them patiently. As villagers are oblivion about making arrangement for sitting, they simply sat down on the ground.  Then some of them brought chairs and implored us to seat on the chair. Jean refused to take seat. One lady asked, "you are good people (specially in officer and powerful term rather generosity), so please have seat." Dreze professed," Do not think us different. When you will start thinking you and us, the same, you will not have any problems in life." Jean and Reetika were deeply moved by knowing that their children were not able to go school because government schools are located at far distance and they are unable to pay fees in public schools. Their cards (Ration card, BPL card) are now dysfunctional as they are declared part of NTPC township and not of Gram Panchayat. Probably their names have also been removed from voter list. There is no light, shortage of water and dismal condition of locality. Later Jean told them to cooperate with  Prayas team who would work for their education and would take care of other stuff. Reetika passionately expressed her desire that NTPC should take responsibility for arranging a vehicle for these children, to enable them to go school. Before leaving the place, Jean made them speak in corus, "Ham sab ek hain (we all are the same)".  
Late night Jean spent one hour with Prayas team and appreciated their work and also inspired them to continue with this always. All teams members were feeling enlightened with him, although none of them except me were knowing his greatness. He promised to be our mentor.
  Jean Dreze who came India for one year for his educational purpose, decided to stay here after seeing prevailing acute poverty. He had conceptualized and drafted the first version of the NREGA. His co-authors include Nobel laureate in economic Amartya Sen, with whom he has written on famine, and Nicholas Stern, with whom he has written on policy reform when market prices are distorted. He is currently an honorary Professor at the Delhi School of Economics and was a member of the National Advisory Council of India in both first and second term. Reetika Khera is professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

25 percent seats in private schools for poor children

After enlightenment followed by American Independence war and French Revolution for establishing the idea of liberty, justice in society developed notion in intelligentsia about education being a public good. Later socialist idea made state responsible for ensuring free and compulsory education for all and legitimated constitutionally right to education. In democracy ensuring people to be educated is compulsion for making it successful as government is decided by universal franchise. 

Today Government is incapable of giving quality education to all. Riches of this country ensure education to their children by paying hefty fees to private institutions. Because of this private institutions government officials pay little attention to improve the dismal condition of government schools and hence these institutions are now not meant for students, but for teachers and upper officials for getting salaries making them incapable of sending their children to government schools.

Because of this aloofness poor students can't dream of getting better education. A country with socialist outlook can't ignore this fact and it has right to interfere in institution for pursuing the idea of equality. So now 25 percent seat in each class in each school including private ones except the minority schools are reserved for poor children. 

Besides many critics by capital class, one basic idea was discussed that poor children would become victim of inferiority complex while sitting with rich children. I believe many problems would come, but while staying together, studying together they would overcome all these feelings and with time they would start developing sympathy for each other. Today in cities because of lack of poor people or middle class personnel, children of rich class would not like to go mediocre malls as they thinking mediocre people are coming. This sense of divide, alienation from ground reality must be eliminated, then only we would be able to develop responsible future leaders. 

Chance of getting students poor as well as rich children together, would address this problem well.