Tuesday, August 14, 2012

मेरे सपने

स्वतंत्रता दिवस के इस शुभ अवसर पर आप सभी को बधाई. 
देश की आज़ादी के लिए हँसते हँसते अपने प्राणों को न्योछावर करने वाले महान नायकों को हम नमन करते हैं. उनका बलिदान हमें अपने देश को सुन्दर बनाने के लिए प्रेरणा देता रहे, ऐसा हम कामना करते हैं. भगत सिंह, सुखराम, सुभाष, लक्ष्मीबाई, आंबेडकर का बलिदान व्यर्थ न जाएँ. 
देश पे मर मिटने वालों ने देश को खुशहाल देखने का सपना देखा करते थे. आज का परिस्थिति देख ऐसा लगता हैं उनका वो सपना अधुरा हैं. क्या इस सुअवसर पर हम सपना देखने का साहस कर सकते हैं? आइये हम सब ये सपना देखे, एक सुनहरे भारत का. 
भारत की शिक्षा व्यवस्था सुधरे. प्राथमिक विद्यालय से विश्वविद्यालय तक की गुणवत्ता बढे और सबमें भारतियों का जीवन स्तर कैसे सुधरे ऐसी शिक्षा की व्यवस्था हो. 
गॉव के, शहर के, देश के प्रबुद्ध लोग ईमानदार व देश के, आम लोगो के चिंता करने वाले हो. 
सत्ता का विकेंद्रीकरण हो, मगर इसका मतलब यह न रहे की सत्ता ग्राम प्रधान के हाथों में चला जाये. विकेंद्रीकरण का अर्थ आम जनता को जागरूक कर उसे अपने अधिकारों व कर्तव्यों के प्रति जवाबदेह बनाना भी हो. धनी लोग गरीब का बाना (बी० पी० एल०) पहन कर गरीबों का निबाला न छीनें. व्यक्ति अपनी जाति को पहचाने. जो चमड़े का काम करें वही चमार हो, जो पढाने का काम करे वह शिक्षक. जो लोहे का काम करें वह लोहार हो, जो लोगो का इलाज करे वह डॉक्टर. फिर चमार, लोहार, धोबी को दिए गए सुविधा जैसे आरक्षण का लाभ शिक्षक, डॉक्टर, मंत्री, संत्री, राष्ट्रपति न उठायें.
देश के अविकसित इलाकों में भी विकास हो. वह रेलवे लाइन हो. सड़क मार्ग हो. अच्छे विद्यालय खुले. अच्छा विश्वविद्यालय खुले, 
देश में पिछड़े ईलाको के उद्योग धंधे से मिले लाभ का एक बड़ा भाग उसी क्षेत्र के विकास में लगे. वहां के विकास में वहां के लोगो से भी मंत्रणा की जाये. जंगलों पर ग्राम सभा का अधिकार हो. 
मजदूरों का जीवन स्तर सुधरे. अवैध खनन कर मजदूरों के जीवन को खतरा में न डाले. मजदूरों को उचित मजदूरी मिले. मजदूरों को शिक्षा दी जाये. कम्पनी उनके सोच को बढाने के यत्न करें ताकि वे मेहनत से कमाए धन को दारू शराब पर न खर्च कर बल्कि अपने परिवार, बच्चो के भलाई के लिए खर्च करें. मजदूरी के साथ साथ मजदूरों के बच्चो की भी पढाई की अच्छी सुविधा दी जाये, चिकित्सा की सुविधा दी जाये. मजदूरो के मानसिक स्तर बढाया जाये ताकि वे समाज के किसी तबके के साथ स्वाभिमान के साथ बात कर सके, अपनी समस्या को रख सकें. कार्यक्षेत्र पर मजदूरों को उचित सुविधा दी जाये. 
उचित ड्रेस में मजदुर खदानों में, पॉवर प्लांटों में काम करें. हमारे सुरक्षा कर्मचारी जागरूक हो और मजदूरो को सुरक्षा से सम्बंधित सभी उपकरण उपलब्ध करवाए, तभी वे मजदूरों को काम करने की इजाजत दे.
खुशहाल मजदुर, शिक्षित भारत, जागरूक नागरिक, ईमानदार अधिकारीगण, खेतों में लहलहाते फसल ऐसा हो अपना भारत. आओ हम नमन करें ऐसे भारत को और ऐसे भारत के निर्माण में जुट जाएँ. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Agony of PAPs

Let me first expand the world popularly known in Industries for R&R work and later as a part of CSR work.  PAPs is project affected people. As the initial step of land acquisition process for establishing a plant, the land of villagers are taken and their homes are also crushed down. In recognition these people are given compensation according to the policy and some part the way it is negotiated with the villagers. So those whose land has been taken or homes are crushed are listed or recognized as project affected people by the company for extending special attention in future. 
The days of neglect is over when there was none to listen the pain of displaced people and also they were not given compensation. Now the reputation of companies are on stake how they are treated to their PAPs and people living in the village in the vicinity of the company. So as a part of R&R policy, PAPs were given land to make home, some of them also got regular job in the company, company hires their vehicles on priority basis, contractors have to compulsorily  give job to PAPs and many development schemes are taken by companies for overall development of PAPs in the field of education. PAPs get medical facilities in the company on discounted rate while their co-villagers have to pay full fees (company do not recognize the indirect damage done to the villagers and hence they are in not priority list for R&R work).
In spite of all these facilities given to the villagers, how meager work have been done, but it has raised their living standard, but still they are unsatisfied. 
Why? PAPs have agony. Why? This question be addressed well. When  requested for joining the department, many authorities suggested not to go their as PAPs would pressure for meeting their demand. Seldom they care what is their pain, how could they be addressed? 
The agony is emotional. Our Indian society was agrarian society. Land was considered sacred. It was not thought to sell land offered by parents. If we think as economic man, land offered by parents are the initial capital and selling those land shows their incapacity to produce more and earn a lot. Later this economic tendency would have turned into emotional relationship. Again humans remind their past by the story written on the wall, on the roof of their home and parting with them means parting with the their history, their ancestors. 
In stead of their home, now engineers were given quarters to live. Engineers are human being having much advanced facility. The exposure to high standard living gave dream to PAPs. Children of  engineers are going in good convent school, but PAPs living outside the boundary are unable to send their children in those schools due to hefty amount. (It is most probable that their children might not excel in academy even they get education from these school with the guidance from home, but PAPs thinks their children would progress as they are not able to pay hefty fees). The situation becomes even worse when the fees is hiked for them, but the fees of children remained the same. This is the other major reason which gives agony to PAPs.
The PAPs talk with all with a sense of ownership. 

If honestly speaking companies has to do much more to be a responsible organization not only for PAPs, but also the other villagers living in the close vicinity (say 5 or 10 km). Ultimately the profit will go in treasury, so why not spend a large part of them say (10% in stead of .5%) directly on behalf of companies for the overall development of local children and community. 


Can you raise the price of labour?

Even in reputed PSU, unskilled labourers who constitute the major part of labour force in the industry are given mere Rs. 174 conforming the minimum wage act for eight hours continuous work in severe condition. It is the price decided by policy makers for the mere existence of labourers? All engineers and workmen are given the gift of profit every year, but the labourers always get the minimum possible wage decided by the government. Can it not be Rs. 200 or more?

In stead the dragon of contract system eats some parts of their wages. Except a few gifted labourers, all have to be satisfied with mere Rs. 110 or Rs. 120. Some amount is eaten by the contract. There are cases where the men of contractors collect Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 from labourers for keeping them on job.

Unfortunately they are disorganized and they couldn't afford to unite. Secondly there is not much use of giving cash money to them unless given education how to manage family well and develop aspiration for the betterment of their children. Without that they would waste their money on extra wine.

How to check this problem?
1. Develop some way to check all the above mentioned wrongdoings.
2. There is need of research over contract system.
3. To improve the government school or opening specialized school for the children of labourers should be in priority.
4. Awareness program should be organized for the labourers.

Finally companies have to change their motto of making profit, and believe as the agent of change. Specially in the case of PSU, performance of one station should be measured in both terms, in terms of profit and utilization of that profit (at least 10%) on the development of local community with special focus on labourers. If labourers from outside are coming, they should not be allowed to live on company's land or otherwise they should be given a small home to stay happily.

Thinking the problems of labourers is incorrigible in the interest of the company must be changed and one should think that there is always a innovative way to be found out where company as well as labourers would avail.
Without that we keep reading news, "Rural poor earns Rs.17 a day".