Strengthening Hinduism should be taken in positive way which is needed to purge Hindu society. Hinduism is not a negative thought, but it is a positive force to propel humans for attaining divinity. This teaches oneness among humans. Because of historical reasons and the aggressive nature of some misguided member of Islam, people start taking Hinduism in wrong way. They think this idea will protect them from Islam. Some even argues that segregation of Islam will cure all problems and Hindus will live happily. Hinduism is not a force to separate people, but it is a powerful thought to unite humans amid intense diversity.
Hinduism ignites mind. It propels a person to fight with himself. One has to fight this battle to win and control one’s own mind which is needed for achieving divinity and blessing of happiness. By nature this doesn’t come automatically, but there is a process for achieving that divinity. If more people start practicing Hinduism, it will automatically get strengthened and people will get conducive environment for living purposely.
Not Islam, not Christianity or not any other power has capability to kill or eliminate Hinduism, but only Hindu will kill Hinduism. When selfishness clouds our mind, when dishonesty, insensitiveness towards fellow humans, lack of service, wrong food habits and many such vices become our part of life Hinduism dies.
As religion, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are not different. In the core all are same. But is the political force behind all these religion which is threat to society. Instead of fighting this evil power, people thought separation of people following all these religion will solve the problem. Pakistan was created. The condition of Pakistani Mussalman became even worse than the condition of Mussalman in India who progressed in life as Hindus do. The Hindus and others in Pakistan have no voice which was other failure of that system.
The greatest task for Hindus is to propel Hindus to follow austerity in their daily life. Once they will follow such path, others will automatically accept that goodness and will incorporate in their own lives. This will send good message to foreigners, who will also start accepting these thoughts and hence humanity will win on diverse nature of different religion. All will go on the path of devotion from their own means and Bharat will automatically prosper.
Hindu first follow Hinduism, Islam follow Islam and Christian follow Christianity that is the way of life. If one wants divinity, happiness then although they follow different religion then can marry and can attain all those things living in same room but following different path. Not separation but togetherness will solve the problem.