Concept of state: What was the need to divide the country in states?
Governance of India, a large nation with diversity, is almost impossible to run. It was needed to divide whole nation into small units capable of taking decisions for the development of that region.
What should be the basis for the division of the nation into states? As we have already mentioned that for the ease of governance India was divided into states. Governance is needed for the betterment of common people which was directly related to development. So the basis of division should be development. Unfortunately our politicians did mistake by dividing nations on the basis of language. It is the soul region the country is facing the problem of regional imbalance on the basis of development leading to demand of formation of new states. The issue of Telangana was the result of all these shortcomings of governance.
Here is the main question for the time being, is Telangana separated from Andhra or not. Leave the basis of separation and observe the realities and possibilities.
From the facts I have collected from various sources have given me insight to give right suggestions. It is true that there is asymmetric development in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is at losing end although it is rich in natural resources. Most of the industries (about 65 %) are owned by Andhraites (they will certainly oppose the formation of new state as they have to lose their property there). People of Telangana are finding difficulty for playing such role in the state. Seven out of ten states are very backward as compared to districts of other parts. Politicians from Telangana hardly get chance to rule the state as CM (only 6 years till now). Although Krishna and Godavari River flow largely in Telangana region, their water are mostly utilized in other region. This fact causes discontent among farmers. Most of development projects are sanctioned in Andhra region only.
There are many historical reasons for the demand of separate state, but that is not so important me for making decisions as I believe it is very easy for local politicians to promote local cultures on their own. Even though one will take such factors then they will even consolidate the demand of separate state.
What is the immediate outcome of separating Telangana state? Given the scenario, centre will be seen as separating the state under pressure. This will give opportunities for the demand of new states from all corner of the country which will prove a great blow on the national sentiment of the country.
Given the situation, I will give my vote for carving out Telangana state. But proper care should be taken. Government should convince all the ministers and common people for the result. This should be done openly on center stage so that local politicians from other parts will be discouraged to take the decisions.
Another burning topic for discussion is small size of state will help in its development.
Some Facts about Telangana:
1. “Telangana”- Name of the Communist Party Pamphlet in 1945, Demanded Vishalandhra, “anti-feudal” and “revolutionary agrarian programme”, state committee of cpi issued a pamphlet called Prajarajyam in Visalandhra or people’s rule in the larger (Telugu-speaking) state of Andhra Pradesh.
2. At the time of the States Reorganisation Commission, the recommendation was to exclude Telengana from Andhra Pradesh — at the time, the region included five districts now in Maharashtra and three districts now in Karnataka. The recommendation was set aside, because of what the state saw as a special situation in those parts.
3. With a population of more than 3 crores now, with ten districts including Hyderabad, with 40 percent of AP’s land mass, if it is actually carved into another state it would be the fifth largest in the country
4. Rich Subculture,
5. Economic reality: With the Krishna and the Godavari rivers flowing through the region, they claim they get very little from the rivers — claiming rights on seventy percent of the Godavari’s water, as they say two-thirds of the catchment area is in Telangana, as compared to just less than half of the water they say they get. With regard to the Godavari, as well, they want a much higher proportion of the total water, as the catchment area in Telangana is twice as much as the water set out for them.
6. The first Telangana movement, in pre-independence India, largely led by the Communist Party, involved 12 to 18 months of agitation against the Asafjahi Nizam’s landlords: in this period, claim Communist records, village peasant committees that made decisions and ruled. The Congress accounts, though, tell a different story; and when Sardar Patel decided to settle the difficult Nizam through ‘police action’, the Centre then thought it necessary to quell Communist activity in Telangana with a firm hand as well. The fact that the Telangana region, activities there and the political struggle in the area had a deep impact on national politics is evident from a view that even Vinoba Bhave’s bhoodan, started at the time, was the Congress Party’s way of sublimating the passions that the urge for land reform had stoked in the countryside. The next two agitations for statehood were in 1969 (Jai Telangana) and then again in 1972 (Jai Andhra). Both agitations, especially the one in 1969, led to chaos being experienced state-wide and school and college sessions were disrupted.
7. In 2001, when the deputy speaker in the AP state assembly, K. Chandrashekhar Rao, resigned from the TDP, and announced his support for a separate Telengana, he was joined by members of the Congress from the region, and 41 Congress MLAs even petitioned their leader pressing her to consider a separate Telangana. The emergence of the Telangana Rashtriya Samiti (the TRS), did at first signal a viable electoral base (with more than 100 of the 294 assembly seats, and 16 of the 42 parliamentary seats from the state being from Telangana), but recent polls, municipal, and by elections for the Vidhan Sabha and Parliament seem to suggest mixed trends, and TRS has received anything but a walkover.
8. The Telangana region accounts for 119 of the 294 assembly seats in Andhra Pradesh and 17 of the 42 Lok Sabha seats.
Osmania University is the nerve center of student agitation for Telangana State demand.
Mussalman favours separate Telangana State due to historical reason. It was the Islam state under the rule of Nizam before independence. Telangana consisted of 14% Mussalman whereas Andhra Pradesh consists of 9.4% only. This equation is taken as favourable by BJP.
Students has given slogan “Hyderabad Chalo”.
Issue: Distribution of water of Krishna and Godavari river, most of districts of Telangana were very backward contrast to district of Andhra State and Rayalaseema, people from Andhra are doing business in Telangana region also while Telangana people are deprived in most of cases,
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