Today I thought to penned down my thoughts about this topic which has been most sensitive issues on this earth for peace. Religion as its origin is always most sacred thing on this very earth primarily concerned for making people kind enough so that non of other human fellows or other forms of creatures have to sleep without food. This is the basic reason why all good people are deeply attached to their own religion and calling some person as religious is always the best compliment for them. But on the other hand, religion as an organization are the major agent of many war on this earth. This becomes problematic when people make religion as a political party and people have to be either this side or that side. This has brought crusade, killing of lakhs of people on the name of religion. The word riot itself is the most deadly, frightening word for any person.
The soul of all religion is spirituality, and so all religion are same, and gives same teachings at the core. From outlook, it seems different and that is the wrong perception of religion by people. They should always draw a clear cut line between religion and culture. Religion is personal and for personal purification for the benefit of all on the name of God. But culture is the way of life which is mostly decided by the knowledge of that particular society, weather, physical condition etc.
This is not the problem of uneducated person, but due to past incidences educated people also commit the same mistakes. I was concerned with the status of so called lower caste. Seeing my inclination, one of my friend of humanity department tried to convince me that Boddha Dharma is better than Hindu Dharma. I told him whatever you are seeing about the Hindu Dharma currently in the society, that is nothing but Brahmin Dharma which is the distorted form of Hindu Dharma. Lord Buddha has only tried to restore the old beautiful Dharma and that also had been distorted. So basically society goes in many phases and it's beauty of a society which has power to restore its goodness.
Later he has given many logic for coming into in Boddha Dharma. Then I replied to him, till the age of 11 I was not aware that I am a Hindu, I have given due respect to all God, even went into Masjid, Church but Ram and Krishna were always my ideal which impels me to be a good person for myself as well as for the society. Can you please tell me that after changing my religion I would be in a state to broaden my ideas? Would I aspire to be Ram or Krishna?
I have always thought the reason behind giving importance to anything in Hindu Dharma. Cow is worshiped by Hindus. But truly speaking, cow is not only worshiped by Hindus but by all the people staying in this region as they know the importance of cow for human being. This is matter of knowledge, culture rather religion. This has been given religious colour for spreading the knowledge, the knowledge of importance of this animal. I would like to make sure that only cow has power to bring better life for the poor. Its all products has some benefit for the humanity. Medicine for almost all disease can be made from the residual of this animal which would be quite cheap. This unique feature is found in only Indian cow and not in cows of other countries. So you can think shedding your own culture. Yes changing religion has no effect as all are going to teach you same thing if you are truly following that things.
Whatever teachings have been given in religions originated in this very land for living for better life are applicable in this land only. So such teachings of other religion would be applicable to the land where they have been originated. Yes there is possibility of some overlapping, no doubt.
Changing religion has no issue but shedding culture on the name of religion must create problems. Can you change your father by changing you religion? No, then how can you shed your culture that would be as bad as giving disregard to your forefathers. It is matter of concern that about 95 percent of Indian Mussalman are converted Mussalman. But how many of them are remembering their forefathers? If they really recall their forefathers all religious tensions will evaporate. Some Christians in Kerala have converted their religion two thousand years ago, but still they are giving due respect to all Indian God as they have realized their teachings for this land.
There can be written a long story over this topic. But it is simple thing that be united on the basis of core values of religion and don't shed your culture but put your life for making it better and better. For moving faster, prior knowledge of path always helps and so culture is important for better and easy go ahead.
AI, and Who’s on First
1 day ago
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